How to Lower the Humidity in a Humidor

What factors can affect the humidity in an electric humidor? Direct sunlight, heater vents, AC, poor air circulation, and fans can all affect the humidity in your humidor. To make sure your humidor is running at its optimum level, avoid placing it in direct sunlight and stay away from fans and heater vents. Using an exterior-reading hygrometer can also be helpful.
Propylene chloride as an exterior-reading hygrometer
When using a hygrometer to lower the humidity of an electrical humidor, you should use a high-quality analog one. Analog hygrometers read the humidity level in percent, but are very sensitive to vibration. You should calibrate your hygrometer regularly to ensure proper readings. In most cases, your humidor should be at 70 percent or lower.
Before lowering the humidity level in an electric humidor, you must first remove the moisture from the water. You should add distilled water to the bottom of the humidor. Then, place your hygrometer on the water to measure the humidity level. Allow the humidor to stand in distilled water for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. The hygrometer should be calibrated every month to ensure it’s accurate. An exterior-reading hygrometer does not require you to open the humidor. You can do the calibration yourself.
You can also use distilled water as an exterior-reading hygrometer to lower the humidity in an electrical humidor. This solution is odorless and replaces water in the humidor. A distilled water humidor will not stay moist as long as a humidor filled with propylene glycol. Also, remember that tap water can contain a variety of chemicals and should not be used for humidification.
Propylene glycol
Propylene glycol, or PEG, is a synthetic chemical. Its official name is propene and it is a by-product of the fuel industry. It is also found naturally in plants, where it is converted to ethylene glycol. Propylene glycol is made by adding water to propene. Then, the two chemicals are combined. The result is the chemical PEG, which lowers the humidity.
A good humidifier fluid can keep cigars at the right humidity level, without the use of chemicals. Propylene glycol is inexpensive and safe to use. Most humidors today use this fluid. Propylene glycol is a common ingredient in humidors. Propylene glycol is a natural hygroscopic, which means that it releases moisture when the humidity level drops. Propylene glycol also prevents bacterial and mold growth. Propylene glycol solutions can be found in most cigar shops.
If you find your cigars are over-humidified, you can lower the humidity in your humidor by partially opening it. When the humidity is high, add a few cigars to the humidor to absorb some of the excess humidity. Then, remove the humidifier for a while to ensure that it is not over-humidified. However, it’s essential to remember that the correct humidity level is between 68 and 75 percent.
Propylene chloride as a mold and bacteria inhibitor
A mold and bacteria inhibitor is essential in humidors because they can increase the chance of a deteriorating cigar. Mold loves moisture, and when this moisture is trapped in a humidor, it can grow. While some types of mold pose no danger to humans, others can be dangerous. Fortunately, it is not impossible to detect and treat the presence of mold on your cigars.
If you think you’re infected by mold, first remove all the cigars from the humidor. To do this, you can use a vacuum or brush to loosen the mold. Next, you can use isopropyl alcohol to clean the interior lining. However, do not submerge the humidor in alcohol as this will damage the wood. Once you’re done, you can lightly wipe the humidor with distilled water.
Before using a humidity inhibitor, make sure your humidor is clean and free of contaminants. Avoid using tap water, as it may contain contaminants that make humidor filling difficult. Propylene glycol will also prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. To use a humidity inhibitor, simply rinse your humidifier frequently and use distilled water to refill it. Afterwards, let it dry.