Why Is Stairway To Heaven Banned In Guitar Stores? Guide 2022

If you are a guitar player, you have probably done it yourself: You are checking out a guitar in an instrument store, strumming away on the strings. Did you know playing the opening bars of Stairway to Heaven is banned in the guitar shop?. It is a classic song that is easy to play — so “why is stairway to heaven banned in guitar stores”? Moreover, continue reading if you want to know the answer.
What are the forbidden riffs?
In the context of guitar playing, the term “forbidden” refers to riffs that are not played at all. For example, if you play a guitar riff in standard tuning and then change to open or drop tunings, the same notes will produce different sounds. The tuning varies how the guitar vibrates when you hit a note.
Listen to this quick clip of me playing a riff in standard tuning, then changing to open D. Notice how it sounds different from the original riff? When we use different notes on the same strings with different tunings. Stairway to Heaven is one of these 30 riffs banned from playing in guitar stores.
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Is Stairway to Heaven Easy?
Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven is a classic rock song. It was released on their album IV in 1971 and was composed by Jimmy Page. It is one of the most popular songs by this band and the best known, even though it was not released as a single. The song is often referred to as “Stairway” or “Going to California,” which are not the official titles.
Several artists have covered the song, including Metallica and Rush. Is it easy? Yes. The guitar part is not too difficult, and you can play it with just three chords: G, Dm, and C. The lyrics are also straightforward: “There is a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold.”
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Is Stairway to Heaven the greatest song of all time?
Led Zeppelin sang “Stairway to Heaven” in a song. Robert Plant wrote the lyrics to this song, which Jimmy Page composed for their untitled fourth studio album. The song has been noted for its musical arrangement, which features acoustic guitar and a string section and electric guitar, bass, and drums.
Among Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, “Stairway to Heaven” was ranked number 3 in 2004. According to VH1 in 2010, “Stairway to Heaven” was the best hard rock song. In 2007, “Stairway to Heaven” was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. The song was nominated as one of the 500 Songs that Shaped Rock & Roll by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
What grade is a stairway to heaven in Guitar?
In guitar, the stairway to heaven is the 8th note. In other words, when you play on the fretboard of a guitar and play it with one finger, it is called an 8th note. Songs use them in so many ways as they are essential. They help you get faster and make your playing sound better.

Final Words
By now, you should have a good understanding of why stairway to heaven is banned in guitar stores. Unfortunately, it comes down to recouping costs for the shop and protecting its inventory. It is a viral song, and as a result, it will reduce the resale value of the guitars that it has been played on before. In short, it can devalue their store’s instruments (and ultimately their business).
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