How to Start Playing a Guitar: Chord Basics for Newbies

The ability to play musical instruments has long been considered an indicator of education. The guitar has always been popular, famous for its affordability and versatility, like online slots that can be played even for free. It also successfully fits into almost all styles of popular music.
How to Hold a Guitar Properly
If there is a correct answer to the question of where to start playing the guitar, it’s with the landing. When it comes to the classical guitar, there can only be one option. To do this, the guitar is placed with the lower notch on the left leg, which in this case should be higher than the right. Someone uses a stack of books for lifting, but there are specialized stands. As a result the neck is closer to the eyes and the soundboard is placed so that it is convenient to put your hands on it in a classical position.
Acoustic guitars with metal strings and electric guitars can be taken in such a way too, but more often they are put on the right leg. The left leg remains completely free. This position makes it harder to see the fingerboard and takes some getting used to using the classic left hand position on the fingerboard, but it’s much more mobile and close to where you’d put your guitar standing up.
How to Grip the Fingerboard
There are also two ways to place your hand on the fingerboard. Classical position is to put your thumb behind the fingerboard, which means that its end should be approximately in the middle of the fingerboard. The hand is brought forward, which allows the hand to move more freely on the fingerboard. This is useful for strumming complex chords without a barre and fast melodies, that is, can be used on all types of guitars. No other staging options can be used on the classical guitar.
Another way comes from the blues. This stance implies putting your thumb on the fingerboard from the top. Depending on the size of a hand it can be either the tip or the middle of the finger. This grip provides a reliable grip on the fingerboard, which is necessary for pulling up the strings and simplifies the chords with barre, but limits mobility. This staging variant is equally suitable for pop acoustic and electric guitars.
What Are Chords and How to Clamp Them
Chords are three or more notes played simultaneously. If the same notes are played one after the other, it’s an overdub. If you’re basically wondering how to play a 5-string guitar, learning basic chords is a must, as it’ll allow you to play the most popular songs.
How to Read Chord Fingering
Fingering patterns may vary slightly, but the idea behind them is always the same. They are read from left to right, from top to bottom. Vertical lines indicate strings: usually the thickest string (the sixth) on the left, and the thinnest string (the first) on the right. The dots and lines indicate how the strings are pressed – with one finger or barre respectively.
If the chord is suddenly shifted across the fingerboard, there will additionally be fret lines drawn on the left, indicating where on the fingerboard your hand should be shifted. Moreover, open strings are often used in chords – these are indicated by an empty circle at the top. If an open string should not sound, but the fingering is between sounding strings, it’s also marked with an X at the top.
How to Clamp and Rearrange Am, E, and Dm Chords
Am, E, and Dm are used in many songs and allow you to play all those songs that can be played in A minor key at all.
All three chords have a similar fingering and require almost the same hand position. You need three fingers: the index, middle, and ring fingers. The first is placed on the uppermost note, and the other two are on top of each other and clasp the rest. There will also necessarily be one bass string above the last finger, which in this case is the tonic note that sets the base for the entire chord.
You need to master the transposition of these three chords. It’s simple enough: you just need to shift your hand to the lower or upper strings, and everything else stays as it is. The only exception is the Dm chord: it requires you to move your ring finger one fret to the right.
How to Clamp and Rearrange the A7, C, and G Chords
The A7 chord requires only two fingers – the middle and ring fingers. They are placed on the second fret of the fourth and second strings respectively, and all other strings, except the sixth, sound open.
For the C chord, three fingers placed diagonally above each other are enough.
The G chord isn’t used as often. Nevertheless, it’s an uncomplicated and beautiful chord that can also be used in various popular songs.
How to Clamp and Rearrange Em, D, and H7 Chords
For the Chord, all you need to do is place two fingers on the second fret of the fifth and fourth strings, and leave the rest open. You can also move it farther down the fingerboard, but then you must add a barre on all six strings one fret before the two fingers are placed.
It isn’t hard to learn how to play the chord D by yourself. But moving this chord across the fingerboard is difficult even for experienced guitarists. Because of this, it’s usually used only on the first frets.
The H7 chord has an amazing sound. Unpopularity is related to the complexity of playing: it requires all four fingers, which are cunningly placed under each other. At the same time, you have to manage not to touch the second string, which should remain open and sound.