Orton Gillingham Training: A Guide to Implementation

Orton Gillingham Training: A Guide to Implementation

The Orton Gillingham approach is a well-established and research-based methodology for teaching literacy skills to students who struggle with reading and writing. It was initially developed in the 1930s by Samuel Orton and Anna Gillingham to address the needs of students with dyslexia. And in this guide, you will explore this approach and why it is essential to get Orton Gillingham training. It also provides practical tips and strategies for implementing it in your classroom.

Features of the Approach

One of the critical features is its use of multisensory techniques. These techniques involve engaging multiple senses (e.g., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) to help students better understand and remember the concepts being taught. For example, students might use flashcards to practice letter sounds while simultaneously tracing the letter shapes in sand or on textured paper. It also emphasizes a structured and cumulative approach to instruction. This means lessons are carefully sequenced and build upon each other logically and systematically. Each new concept is introduced only after the student has mastered the previous one.

Implementing the Approach in Your Classroom

If you are interested in implementing the approach in your classroom, there are several steps you can take to get started.

Step 1: Get Trained

The first step is to get Orton Gillingham training. Many training programs are available, ranging from online courses to in-person workshops. As such, it’s essential to choose a training program that is comprehensive, research-based, and taught by experienced instructors. This will ensure that you have a solid foundation in the approach and are prepared to implement it effectively in your classroom.

Step 2: Assess Your Students

The next step is to assess your student’s needs and determine which instructional strategies will be most effective. This might involve administering diagnostic assessments to identify areas of strength and weakness and informal assessments to gauge your student’s progress over time.

Step 3: Plan and Deliver Lessons

Once you have assessed your students’ needs, it’s time to plan and deliver lessons. This involves developing lesson plans that are structured, sequential, and multisensory. And depending on their needs and learning styles, you may need to modify your approach for different students.

Step 4: Monitor Progress

Monitoring progress is an essential part of the approach. Regular assessments help determine whether your students are progressing and where they may need additional support. You can also use progress monitoring to adjust your instructional strategies as needed.

Tips For Effective Implementation

Implementing the training method in your classroom can be challenging, but it can also be gratifying with the right strategies. So, here are the tips to help you get started:

  1. Use Multisensory Techniques: Incorporate multisensory techniques into your lessons to engage all of your students’ senses. This might include using sand or textured paper to practice letter formation, using flashcards to practice letter sounds, or incorporating movement and gestures to reinforce concepts.
  • Individualized Instruction: It emphasizes individualized instruction, so it’s essential to tailor your lessons to meet the specific needs of each student. This might involve adjusting the pace of instruction, providing additional support, or using different materials or activities.
  • Build in Review: Review is critical for reinforcing learning and ensuring students retain new concepts. So, make sure to build in regular review activities, such as flashcard drills or games, to help students solidify their understanding.
  • Foster a Positive Learning Environment: It can be challenging for students, so creating a positive and supportive learning environment is crucial. Please encourage students to ask questions, celebrate their successes, and provide positive feedback and reinforcement.
  • Collaborate With Colleagues and Parents: It can be highly effective but requires collaboration and support from colleagues and parents. Meanwhile, make sure to communicate regularly with other teachers, administrators, and parents to ensure that students receive consistent support and reinforcement in and out of the classroom.

The Orton Gillingham training is a powerful and effective way to learn the approach to teach students with learning different literacy skills. By incorporating multisensory techniques, individualizing instruction, building in review, fostering a positive learning environment, and collaborating with colleagues and parents, you can empower your students and help them become confident and booming readers and writers.

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